clouds,  landscape,  Plants,  sunsets,  trees

End of a beautiful day…

I made a drive out to Cobb Lake State Wildlife Area yesterday evening to enjoy the sunset. We had such a beautiful day. I also got in a nice bicycle ride as I work on getting my legs back into some sort of physical condition to ride. A meadowlark was perched in this small tree when I arrived singing my favorite song. To my left, out of view, there was a concert going with the geese and ducks on Cobb Lake. While a group of ducks had a second concert on the smaller lake just to the right of center. I thanked them for the free concerts. After sunset the days cool breeze quickly became a cold wind so I headed for home. I so enjoyed the end of a beautiful day…

Retired. Having fun shooting Fujifilm cameras. Journal daily. Meditate daily. Learning haiku. Have a love for fountain pens.