clouds,  haiku,  landscape,  natural areas,  Pineridge Natural Area,  sunrises,  writing/reading

Ever Changing Light

While the city slept I made a trip to Pineridge Natural Area hoping for colors on the eastern sunrise. I was not disappointed.

Quite often I see a lady walking her two dogs at this natural area. Not sure if she lives nearby or not but they are regulars. This morning both dogs wore these reflective dog harnesses or some sort of battery operated harnesses. The dogs always get a good workout with her as she does set them on a pretty good pace. Looks like her and the dogs stay fit.

Just before sunrise a man arrived and stood next to me using his phone to take images while both of us oohed and awed the gift we were witnessing. We shared in small chit-chat then each headed for coffee after the sun had risen.

This second image was taken 26 minutes after the first image at roughly the same point. Gives an idea of the ever changing light and how nature continuously creates something new. And, I want to believe it’s just for our enjoyment. We are expecting a warm day today before snow and cold return tomorrow.

on the horizon
the sun offers a new day
ever changing light


Retired. Having fun with photography. Journal daily. Meditate daily. Learning haiku. Have a love for fountain pens.


  • Faye

    Beautiful colors. I love how the colors change as the sun rises. Often I will think I’ve gotten the best colors and then the sky will offer an even better one. Enjoy your day, Monte.

    • Monte Stevens

      Good morning, my friend! We had another red dawn this morning. With the coming winter storm this afternoon I expected the red sky. Like you the colors we think we have can always look better just a few minutes later.
      They say we could see 2-3 inches of snow from this storm but temperatures dropping below 0 degrees tonight. It’s 33 degrees tight now. Enjoy your 60 degree day!