natural areas,  reptiles,  Reservoir Ridge Natural Area

Excitement to End My Day

Yesterday evening I spend some time at Reservoir Ridge Natural Area lounging in my Big Agnes Camp chair and journaling in the quiet. While writing I could hear something rustling in the bushes about 20 feet away. I paid little attention, assuming it to be a rabbit. However, later when I got up to stretch and walk around I discovered it to be this five foot long bull snake curled up in a rabbit brush. I’ve never seen a snake in a bush before, but always on the ground. So I now know that the scales on a bull snake’s body help it to climb plants and even trees without arms or legs. My excitement to end my day. You can click on the image for a larger view. Today is smoky and cloudy with possible rain later.

Retired. Having fun with photography. Journal daily. Meditate daily. Learning haiku. Have a love for fountain pens.


  • Ruth Calkin

    We had a resident bull snake up in the mountains. Once he came to live we had very few chipmunks, ground squirrels and rabbits. We even caught him climbing a small tree for the baby birds in their nest. However, we didn’t have any moles/voles to dig up the ground. The cats would find the snake but they would keep their distance. I don’t like snakes, but they’re another of God’s creations. I just ask for protection and keep my distance.

    • Monte Stevens

      I always keep my distance. The only time that was not the case was last year when I came across the rattlesnake. I heard them before I saw them so I was closer than I felt comfortable. I used the long lens and was a good 5-6 feet away.

    • Monte Stevens

      Actually it was. I was taken aback because it was in the bush, thinking someone put a fake snake there but then realized it was real. Next I made sure it was not a rattlesnake. Probably can say any encounter with nature can be cool unless I’m being chased, running for my life.