flowers,  Plants

Found in the Shadows

The Small Details
The Small Details

I noticed this plant with delicate small flowers on my walk across campus. The white stood out among the dark shadows so I composed and pressed the shutter.  Once I had this image on the computer I started to really notice the details of the small flowers. The are amazing and wish I knew what there are.

Retired. Having fun with photography. Journal daily. Meditate daily. Learning haiku. Have a love for fountain pens.


  • Tom Dills

    Someone with a better knowledge of botany may know what kind of flower those are, but I’m just fascinated by flowers that bloom on the edge of winter. I read about a form of Dogwood that has flowers like that, but it looked like they bloom in the spring like we would expect. Of course a lot of things seem to be bass-ackward these days, so you never know!