Retired. Having fun with photography. Journal daily. Meditate daily. Learning haiku. Have a love for fountain pens.


  • Tom Dills

    That Super Bowl thing was yesterday, wasn’t it? 😉 Oh, well!

    I’ve been interested to see that your temperatures have been generally higher than ours recently. What’s up with that? 😉

    • Monte Stevens

      Yes, there was a winner and a loser. However, I think the loser only won about $56,000.
      And, yes on warmer temperatures but we will be back to some normal weather this week.

  • Mark

    The most amazing thing I watched was the Falcon launch this week – which need more of instead of things like the Super Bowl IMO.

    Rain and snow – a pretty dreary mixture I am all too familiar with! 🙂

    • Monte Stevens

      I did not see the launch but got a few glimpses of it through the social media. The weather is nice today but the next 5 are going to be cold with snow. Bring on the moisture!