clouds,  landscape,  quotes,  snow,  sunsets,  winter scenes


Sunset this past Friday evening before the storm moved in.

“Rock bottom became the solid foundation on which I rebuilt my life.” ― J.K. Rowling

Snow fell overnight Friday and into Saturday evening. Probably have over 3 inches. It has made for a wintery look and feel. I saw this image on the way home from the store Friday evening before the storm arrived. Actually had to turn around and go back to get a shot. Unfortunately by the time I turned around I’d lost some of the colors from when I first saw it. This is a time of the year for me to reflect on how much I have to be grateful for.

Retired. Having fun with photography. Journal daily. Meditate daily. Learning haiku. Have a love for fountain pens.


  • Tom Dills

    Absolutely beautiful, Monte. I for one am glad you went back to get this photo.

    Interesting quote. My initial reaction was that I’m grateful for not having experienced “rock bottom,” but then I realized what a positive comment it really was. I’m not familiar with the history of JK Rowling that would have inspired that statement but will check it out.

    • Monte Stevens

      I don’t know anything about him/her and will check it out myself. Life is about bottoms and how we traverse through those times. When I reflect back on my life there were many bottoms each one was an opportunity for change or not.

  • Faye

    “Should I turn around to get that shot?” I’ve asked that many times. I’m so glad that you did. It’s warm and humid here for a few days; feels like Florida!

    • Monte Stevens

      Since your a creative I would have assumed you have asked that question many times. Sometimes we say yes and sometimes we say no. There really is no right answer to that question. It is 9 degrees right now. I decided to keep the flip-flops in the closet this morning and wear my boots. 🙂