landscape,  Plants

Gray Skies


Gray Skies
Gray Skies

Yes, the skies in the Ohio Valley are definitely gray. I did a quick search on WikiAnswers to see what statistics were out on the  web for the question, “How many days of sun in Ohio and how many in Colorado?” Here is the answer for Denver (300) and here is the answer for Cleveland (66). The numbers didn’t surprise me and are relative to the definition of sunny days. What has surprised me is the gray. It seems to me there are more flat dull gray skies here in Ohio while the gray skies on Colorado have texture and shades of gray. I’m use to seeing clouds moving and changing as nature creates art with its clouds. Not so true here in the Ohio Valley. They are just plain gray. Oh, and did I mention the wind blows out here in the Ohio Valley.

Retired. Having fun shooting Fujifilm cameras. Journal daily. Meditate daily. Learning haiku. Have a love for fountain pens.