coffee life,  quotes

Hannah’s Mocha

“If you want to discover the true meaning of Zen in your everyday life, you have to understand the meaning of keeping your mind on your breathing and your body in the right posture in zazen.”

Shunryu Suzuki

One thing that will encourage me to return to a coffee shop, restaurant, or any business is when I’m greeted by my name. I feel welcomed and welcome back. I appreciate it when someone remembers my name, even though I may not remember theirs. It can lift my spirit. I patronize certain coffee shops more than others primarily for that reason. There are other reasons such as coffee and ambiance but the greeting is essential for me. It’s not that I’m someone special but that I’m here and they acknowledged my presence. That greeting allows for a connection. Anyway Hannah greeted me by my name and made a wonderful mocha latte.

I’m trying one other thing here on this theme. I am posting a feature image rather than inserting an image into the post. So the image is larger than I normally post. It also does not have the lightbox function with the image. Gonna see how that works. Please let me know what you like and don’t like about it.

It’s been a windy day and cold but blue skies and sunshine. Stay warm and enjoy your weekend.

Retired. Having fun with photography. Journal daily. Meditate daily. Learning haiku. Have a love for fountain pens.


  • Mark

    We have a couple places locally we frequent where it is nice to be recognized as a “regular.” Makes it feel more welcoming. (hearing Cheers! theme song in my head)

    On the image change, it is a tricky thing to balance. Sometimes you can’t format as much with the featured image. Or you end up with duplicates. It kinda ends up being personal preference.

    With this theme it seems there is a difficult choice depending if you like the overlapping title/white at the bottom of the image or not. Some
    themes allow for it to be linked to the full sized image to make it clickable and open in a lightbox. Not sure with yours. It seems like that would be the best compromise.

    • Monte Stevens

      I personally do not like the overlapping title/white at the bottom of the image. There are few other tings I don’t like about this theme. Of course there really is no perfect theme, anyway. So far I have not been able to see where to link the feature image to lightbox. I sent an email to the developer with a question but have not heard from them yet. It’s a work in process.

  • Faye White

    I like being able to enlarge the image. Most of the time I’m viewing on my phone, so being able to see a little more detail is preferable. And this is a very inviting image, Monte.

    • Monte Stevens

      Mark brought up the issue of the phone usage and how many people probably use them more than their laptop. When I reflect on it I realize how often I use my phone to view favorite blogs. Glad you like the image. I’m not sure how many years you and I have know each other but never met. Maybe someday we will be able to meet over coffee.