Avian,  landscape,  natural areas,  Pineridge Natural Area,  sunrises

Happy Sunday Morning

Good morning from Pineridge Natural Area. Clear skies and sunshine to start the day. Meadowlarks were sharing songs of joy with all the world. In fact birds were singing all around me. Over time I will come know them but for now I’ll just enjoy their music. This image shows how the rains from last week sure gave the meadow a touch of green.

When I leave the natural area I need to turn north on Overland trail and drive by an open field that is a Frisbee golf course. About a half mile after I’d turned I noticed this eagle sitting in the open field. I stopped and watched for several minutes with binoculars. The bird seemed rather nervous so I kept my distance. I finally decided to see if it would stay long enough for me to get my camera out and put on the longer zoom lens. I was able to take about 20 images then put my camera gear away because I did not want to disturb the bird anymore than I already had. I then watched them for another couple minutes with binoculars before it lifted off. I was shocked to see in its talons a large fish. Now, that would have been the shot but alas… This is about a 100% crop so it’s not all that sharp.

Retired. Having fun with photography. Journal daily. Meditate daily. Learning haiku. Have a love for fountain pens.


  • Mark

    Your good fortune was certainly with you this day Monte! If you don’t have Gigapixel AI or Topaz Sharpen AI – you could send the eagle image to me and I could enlarge it for you just to see the potential.

  • Tom Dills

    Oops, it’s almost Sunday again and I’m just catching up on your posts! The eagle is such a regal bird, and – to me at least – rare to see on the ground. Great to see one it its natural setting, wherever that happens to be!

    • Monte Stevens

      All oops are accepted on this blog. Yes, they are regal bird. I was surprised to see the bird on the ground. First thought was the bird was ill or wounded but that was not the case. There are some nest around this area, within 5-6 miles of where I was at.