
Heat Wave Out Here


By that I mean we’ve seen that thermometer rise above the 50 degree mark. Been weeks since we’ve seen that. So yesterday for lunch I made a sandwich, set my chair out on the sidewalk and watched the geese and ducks perform. Felt wonderful soaking up the warm sunshine. I also wanted to check on solo Goldeneye that has been around for the past few weeks. I’m wondering if it is ill or hurt.

Had three groups of geese land while I ate and marveled at all they do. It’s almost like they are playing after they land. They will dive in a forward direction, head first, flapping those flippers in the air (see above photo) then roll to one side and flap those wings. Water is spraying all over the place. In the above image you can see one rolled over on his/her back while the one directly in front is judging the water spay. “More leg action, son.” I found it pretty interesting.

A couple more facts for you: They can cover 1,500 miles (2,400 kilometers) in just 24 hours with a favorable wind and up to 16 continuous hours. The oldest known wild Canada Goose was 30 years 4 months old. Just 50 geese can produce two and a half tons of excrement in a year. That’s a lot crap!

Retired. Having fun shooting Fujifilm cameras. Journal daily. Meditate daily. Learning haiku. Have a love for fountain pens.