Ansel Adams,  Cityscapes/Urban,  quotes

House Numbers

3348 N Duffield

Street names are used for landmark purposes but house numbering was implemented by the postal system to aid in the delivery of mail. Throughout the world there are different schemes for numbers housing. In the US we primarily place odd numbers on one side (usually west or south) and even numbers on the other (usually north or east). I wonder how long they debated over that issue. We find them near the front door, over the garage and on our mailboxes. I would venture to say that mailboxes are another one of those subjects photographers find in their viewfinders.

…with most of my photographs, the subject appears as a found object, something discovered, not arranged by me. I usually have an immediate recognition of the potential image, and I have found that too much concern about matters such as conventional composition may take the edge off the first inclusive reaction.

Ansel Adams

Retired. Having fun shooting Fujifilm cameras. Journal daily. Meditate daily. Learning haiku. Have a love for fountain pens.