People/Portraits,  Self-portraits

Just Resting My Eyes

Just Resting My Eyes

Today’s another birthday for me, which means I’m getting closer to those Social Security and Medicare woes years. This birthday is number 61 so I can start collecting a bit of cash in another year, if I wanna. I must admit I struggled last year when I turned 60 because I felt like that number was still another 10 years out and so was retirement. However, with a year in the 60’s under my belt, I’m more comfortable with this one. I’m looking into what all this retirement hoopla is all about. How much will there be? When do I want to start collecting? Do I still want a “Sugar Mama?” How many more years do I want to work? Do I want to work and also collect social security? Questions, lots of them.

Actually the book I’m reading, “The Complete Idiots Guide to Social Security and Medicare“, I’ve found to be quite interesting and informative. So, for another year at least, I keep on working and putting money into that fund and figure out what I want to do. I start a 4-day trip today and will be in Santa Barbara tonight. We will be getting in about 11 pm so I’ll be resting my eyes then. I like the hotel and they serve up a mean breakfast on their patio in the morning. After breakfast I’ll get a walk in, maybe down to the beach and then back in the air.

Retired. Having fun shooting Fujifilm cameras. Journal daily. Meditate daily. Learning haiku. Have a love for fountain pens.


  • Faye White

    Happy Birthday, my friend! Don’t take the years for granted, we never know how many we have – at any age. Have a good day!

  • Earl

    Happy Birthday! Hey, you’re not old at all…I can see your taillights from here. 🙂

    Retirement and Medicare…subjects Bonnie and I have been talking about these last couple of years. We’ve even hired a financial adviser to hopefully make our almost nothing go a little further and to correct our previous bad decisions. I wasn’t even sure I was smart enough on this subject matter for one of those “idiot guides.” 😉

    Have a great week!

  • pj

    Happy Birthday to you… Your excitement in your reading material shines through in this photo Monte. Guess I’ll have to look up a copy of that one myself.

  • Ruth

    Happy day after Birthday, my friend…if you have Medicare questions, just call…I do Medicare counseling for the Aspen Club. Hope you had a GREAT day….Love, Ruth

  • Brad Mangas

    Happy Birthday Monte! May your days be filled with the light of the skies and your nights be cozy with comfort.

    Thanks for the tip on the book, I better put it on my own reading list. Time sure does fly when your having fun! Safe travels.

  • Paul

    Happy Birthday, Monte! Looks like you’re putting a lot of effort into catching up on your reading. 😉 As it is, for me, I’m starting to learn Spanish and might spend my retirement years in Quito, Ecuador! Buenos tardes, senor! Que hermoso dia!

    • Monte Stevens

      Gracias, Paul! Espero que nustros anos de jubilacion se filled con cosas interesantes que hacer.

      And no, I do not know Spanish but I do know how to use Google Translate. 🙂

  • Ken

    Happy birthday, Monte, and whatever Paul said. Here are the answers to the questions you asked – not enough, 62, no, 1, no.
    I would highly recommend a good (emphasis on good) financial adviser (not “Bernie” Madoff). You’ll be surprised about how little we know about the subject.

  • Anita Jesse

    Belated, but sincere birthday greetings. Gee, does that book have that effect on everyone? Will a financial adviser have the same impact?

    We saw an adviser years ago and it was a very positive thing for us.