landscape,  natural areas,  Pineridge Natural Area,  sunrises

I Made a Good Choice

After quiet time I usually check my weather app. This morning it told me it was 55 degrees with cloudy skies and possible rain. It is very easy for me to tell myself there is no need to go to the natural area because the cloudy skies will not offer a good image and believe that lie. Glad I did not listen to what I think I think I know but ventured out anyway. I was given these lovely clouds for going. I also was able to experience the soft gentle call of an owl from the ridge behind me, listen to mallards squawking on the reservoir as they made gentle v-shaped waves on the water and saw a couple of bats darting above me. I knew I’d made a good choice.

I’ve been going up there for the past 18 months on a regular basis. It has become a part of my morning ritual. About six months ago I began to see a young lady who would come up maybe 4-5 times a week. She grabs a yoga mat then walks up Overlook Trail to greet the morning sunrise. We now wave to each other as we have become part of the natural area. This morning before she headed up the Overlook Trail I said good morning and let her know I could hear the owl somewhere on the ridge. Said she saw them yesterday morning and “who-hoo, who’d” back and forth with them. Yep, glad I didn’t listen to my thinking this morning.

Retired. Having fun shooting Fujifilm cameras. Journal daily. Meditate daily. Learning haiku. Have a love for fountain pens.