architecture,  window

I never saw it


This image came up unexpected. By that I mean I did not see this or envision it. What caught my attention was the late afternoon light. We had rain and overcast skies all day until late afternoon when the clouds broke and the sun came out casting long shadows. I saw the light against the bulding and grabbed my camera. I honestly did not see the window until I looked through the view finder and then it was all I could see. I moved around placing it in various positions in the frame while keeping my reflection out of the window. I also expected to convert it to black and white but I do like the subtle soft hues instead. I settled on this one and ran it through Topaz Adjust. I never saw it coming.

Retired. Having fun shooting Fujifilm cameras. Journal daily. Meditate daily. Learning haiku. Have a love for fountain pens.


  • Anita Jesse

    Bravo. I don’t always fall for geometric studies, but this one makes me very happy. I am glad you didn’t go black and white. The softness that is added by the color brings a kind of gentleness that somehow comes through as a soft smile. Somehow black and white would have rendered it stern.

    I also appreciate your mentioning that you didn’t see the window in the beginning. I love those surprises.

    Your last couple of posts have me super-eager for warmer weather and my long outdoor excursions, camera in hand.

    • Monte Stevens

      Thanks, Anita, and have enjoyed having you posting again and commenting. I’m glad you enjoyed this image. It’s not spectacular but it was such a surprise to me. I love that. And, yes, I’m looking forward to the warmer weather, even though we are expecting a frost tonight.

  • Earl

    It’s a wonderful composition, Monte. There’s such balance in both the shapes and forms as well as the color and tones. A fine job putting this one together!