Black and White,  Cityscapes/Urban,  Documentary/Street,  Fujifilm X-E1,  rants

I Used To

Bicycle in Old Town
Bicycle in Old Town

My blogging world has changed over the past couple of years. I do not read the blogs I enjoy on a daily basis. I used to. I do not set aside a time each day, or every other day, to write a post. I used to. I do not shoot everyday. I used to.  I do not post process images every day. I used to. None of this is a bad thing but different from the past 8 years.

I could come up with a few reasons for this change but this post is not going into that. As some know my home life changed a year and a half ago when my youngest daughter and her two teenage children needed to move in with me. That, my friends is a dynamic change, probably 10 stops of light.

I’ve, also moved into my retirement phase of life. Now that is an adjustment. I am enjoying spending more time in solitude, searching out places of quiet in parks, nature areas, churches. My retirement requires a financial adjustment on my part. I have to watch for those GAS attacks. There is no supervisor to hold me accountable, it’s up to me to get all those required tasks done. Yes, things are different as I move into this second phase of life.

Retired. Having fun with photography. Journal daily. Meditate daily. Learning haiku. Have a love for fountain pens.


  • Mary Ann

    Glad you are still posting. I had some changes that had the same effect on my blogging and had to re-prioritize–but its nice to see that you are still here now and again. Hope you are enjoying the newest phase of your life!

  • paul

    Change is the one thing that we can count on in life. I don’t think that you’re alone, as far as blogging is concerned. It seems that all of the folks that I follow have greatly reduced their posting on their own blogs as well as those of others, myself included. It’s nice to still have the blog, but it has moved down in the list of importance.

    Though I still work, daily, I think that it will be pretty nice when I no longer am held accountable by a boss and some arbitrary schedule. I look forward to that, my friend! I’m glad that you’re enjoying your retirement. Hopefully you won’t get to GASsy and need a burp. 😀

    • Monte Stevens

      I see my fellow bloggers go through similar phases so I know it’s not unusual. I’m being drawn more to projects as well as just the everyday shots to come my way.

  • Tom Dills

    Sometimes it’s just a lot easier to read than it is to reply, I understand that. If that newly-acquired extra time was mine, I don’t think I would be spending it reading or replying to blog posts! 🙂

  • Cedric Canard

    I do almost all my internet/blog reading during weekends so I’m often late in commenting but I don’t think anyone minds. As far as writing goes I have dozens of posts in various states of completion. Most will likely never see the light of day, partly because they are no longer relevant or I may never get the time. But that doesn’t bother me either. I enjoy dropping in on blogs like yours Monte and for totally selfish reasons I hope you continue writing and shooting even if it becomes as irregular as my blog 🙂

    I often think about retirement and while I am not enjoying my job at the moment, I can’t say I’m too enthusiastic about the prospect of not working anymore. Oh well, I am sure I’ll come around at some point.

    • Monte Stevens

      I to have written several blog post that never saw the publish button. Probably write many more. I follow some blogs for the images and some for the written content and some for both. And, for my selfish reasons. I will continue to write and post images for my benefit. Who knows how I will feel about one of my posts six months from now. I may wonder what the heck I was thinking and delete it. 🙂 Then again I may love it. I appreciate those who follow my blog and need to receive their comments.