Avian,  Essays,  Photography

I’m an Art Photographer

We Have Liftoff

“Here’s what I think: I think an art photographer is a photographer with an opinion. An opinion about which of their photographs can truly stand as one of theirs, and about how the photograph ought to look.” Mike Johnson

In a previous post last week I admitted to being a photographer. Don’t’ laugh. I’m one who thinks there is an artist within each of us, buried, hidden and waiting to come out. Whether we feed the artist within or keep it contained is our choice. Many of us are reluctant to place the adjective, art, in front of photographer.

In my photography I shoot from the gut, not necessarily attempting to express some opinion or idea at the time I press the shutter. I’m more intent on seeing what’s in front of me, using my intuition and experience to see the light, find a composition, select a specific depth of field or select a perspective according to what feels right. After saying that, I would suggest all of these make up my “opinion”, but subconsciously. This opinion may come to my consciousness at a later time. I look at my photography from the perspective of an artist, “my art.” I look to the voice within me to lead me forward, opening my eyes, to come up with ideas for images and projects. Don’t all of us desire for our images to have some impact on viewers, inspiring them to step outside in nature rather than living life through a TV, a computer, a tablet, or smart phone? But, that’s another opinion for another time.

The above image was not an attempt at creating an artistic image. It was a moment when I was not totally prepared for the immediate takeoff and was a series of quick shots. Only after post processing did I see something I liked. Just my opinion or mere ramblings. 🙂

Retired. Having fun shooting Fujifilm cameras. Journal daily. Meditate daily. Learning haiku. Have a love for fountain pens.


  • ken bello

    I think we can find art in everything if we maintain an open mind. And the more open minded you are, the more creative you become, weather you’re a photographer, engineer, truck driver or heart surgeon.
    Nice shot, Monte.

  • John-Visual Notebook

    “Shoot from the gut”. So true! And usually, shooting from the gut involves doing it in the moment – waiting until later can bring about unexpexted results, which is actually the subject in my blog this week.

    Love the image, Monte – good work!

  • Anita Jesse

    Ramble on, Monte. Great stuff! And I am crazy about this photograph. What an eloquent image. There is so much mood, movement, mystery, and emotion. One of my favorite of all your many winners.

  • Cedric Canard

    First thing first, that’s a great photo Monte. Blur works so well for this kind of capture.

    As for the notion of an artist inside each of us, it’s something I’ve thought about on numerous occasions. Once upon a time it was a notion I deeply wanted to believe but I suspect it may just be wishful thinking. Of course this notion depends fully on how we define “artist” and that is always a tough one. However, as I see it, I would agree to say that we are all creative. Of that I have no doubt. Our creativity knows no bounds and the only difficulty we face is in finding where that creativity lies. Creativity is all around us, from a school teacher who finds a new method of imparting knowledge to a robot running around the Mars surface. There is also lots of creativity in the arts of course. The internet has shown us how creative we are in that area. But to me there is a difference between creativity and artistry. Just as there are many cooks but few great chefs, I would say that there are many creative types but there are few artists. I guess for me there needs to be a differentiation between those who may have great talent and those who take that talent and create some kind of paradigm shift in how we view the world. Sorry, I’m rambling and probably need to think this through a little more.

    In any case, once again, let me say: great photo Monte.

    • Monte Stevens

      Thanks for sharing as I need to hear what others see and think. After posting this I really wondered if what I said made any sense or if it truly reflects what I thin and feel. Seeking answers is so much more enjoyable to me than thinking I have “all” the answers. Due to your comments I now have more to ponder about creativity and artistry. Heck, 10 years ago I would not have thought about this. I just read a couple days ago that photography does not change the world but photography can change how we see the world. Thanks, Cedirc!

  • Mark

    I think I read a quote at one time from a photographer claiming some of his best photographs were generated out of mistakes. I think mistakes open our mind to other possibilities when there is no right answer. My 2 cents anyway…

    • Monte Stevens

      Then I should have a very open mind. 🙂 Thanks for your 2 cents worth as they seem much more valuable than that just 3 cents. And, the only way to bring on those mistakes is to be out there with camera in hand.