clouds,  landscape,  mountains,  natural areas

I’m good with that…

This past weekend we set record high temperatures for both Saturday and Sunday. I wore sandals both days and short sleeve shirts. 😁 People were outdoors and some even got sunburned. I spent time Sunday afternoon at Reservoir Ridge Natural Area. I took this image to show you we still have snow in the foothills from the almost two foot snow storm we had three and a half weeks ago. Sunny this morning but expecting it to cool off this afternoon and enjoy refreshing rain showers. And, you can see the grass greening up. I’m good with that.

Retired. Having fun shooting Fujifilm cameras. Journal daily. Meditate daily. Learning haiku. Have a love for fountain pens.


  • Tom Dills

    That’s a good sign, Monte. We’re overloaded with pollen here, and it will be another couple of weeks before it starts to dissipate. Hopefully a few showers this week will dampen things down a bit.