fountain pens,  journal,  quotes,  writing/reading

In the Shadows

I journal because I believe there is a shadow side to me that I desire to acknowledge and understand. Thomas Merton says “The greatest need of our time is to clean out the enormous mass of mental and emotional rubbish that clutters our minds.” As I put down words on blank pages I’m given the grace to look upon these dark and negative sides of my nature as well as the bright and positive sides of my nature. So, I journal for the discovery of my true self, my authentic self, my higher self and discard anything that is not. I hope you are able to relate to what I’m trying to say?

Have a wonderful Friday!

Retired. Having fun with photography. Journal daily. Meditate daily. Learning haiku. Have a love for fountain pens.


  • Faye

    You have found a method that works well for you as you explore your psyche; putting everything out there, good and bad. I am curious as to whether/how often you return to previous journals or, once closed, are they closed forever?

    • Monte Stevens

      This is so dependent on the individual. Journaling is a path we travel, for some, it’s a way of life, so we each must find what works for us. That usually entails the trial and error program. I know people who burn their journals in a ceremonial fashion after some period of time. I have kept all of mine.

      I return to my journals for many different reasons. As you may know details of events fade over time and my memory ain’t what it used to be. What I wrote down in a stressful situation can be distorted due to my emotions at the time, so I must also reread these events with an openness.

      I dated a woman for five years and almost got married. We struggled several times during those years, breaking away and then returning, hoping things would change for many reasons. When we finally just said that was enough and ended it, I went back in my journals to see what I was thinking when we first met. I found where I had written down that she needed to be my friend and nothing else. The lesson I received in that experience was to pay more attention to my gut instinct, and be aware of my desires and make sure the relationship is being built on a solid foundation.

      My youngest daughter has told me the only thing she wants to inherit when I die are my journals. When you think about that my journals can be a gift to my children. They may discover things about me they didn’t know or maybe suspected. Sorry for the long response but hope this gives you some idea of my thinking.