bicycles,  Candid Portraits,  coffee shops,  Documentary/Street,  lifestyles,  Transportation,  winter scenes

It’s cold this morning here….

Tis a bit cold this morning

… but the good news is we’re suppose to reach a high of 23 degrees to day. After seeing this on my phone app, I bundled up and headed for the bus. There was no desire to scrape ice and snow off the windshield of my car and deal with traffic or parking. This storm brought us 4 inches of snow, making everything have that beautiful winter scene. But, dang the cold! Anyway….

Bicyclist on campus this morning when it was -3 degrees.

I find it interesting how people handle our weather in different ways. Now the “younger” fellow in the above image must be able to handle the cold better than me. I actually counted four bicyclists, all younger, on my walk over here. A quick thought/question ran through my mind, did one of their parents drop them on their heads when they were “younger?”

A must to any morning, no matter the temperature

I realize these bicyclists ride a bicycle to work or class for health reasons, to save fossil fuel, avoid traffic and parking and maybe because of the image, while I google homes for sale in Phoenix from the warmth of a favorite coffee shop. And, with cold hands download images, try and type this post, eat a chocolate croissant and sip on my mocha latte. Yep, we handle the cold differently! Have an awesome day!

Retired. Having fun shooting Fujifilm cameras. Journal daily. Meditate daily. Learning haiku. Have a love for fountain pens.


  • Tom Dills

    We don’t have your kind of cold in NC, but every time I turn up the thermostat I tell Kathy that it’s “cheaper than moving to Arizona.” But of course since I’m currently sitting on a cruise ship in San Juan I can’t complain much. Glad to know that you’re enduring the cold with appropriate sustinance!

  • Mark

    Sometimes I think about moving to a place without much winter. Granted ours have been getting milder and milder, but it doesn’t stop me from thinking about, say San Diego for example.