landscape,  natural areas,  Plants,  poems,  poetic journal,  writing/reading

It’s Mysterious

Taken on my walk around Dixon Reservoir this evening

forest fires destroy
leaving a path of darkness
yet new life will dawn

it’s mysterious
the laws of nature baffle
senseless to logic


The Lewstone fire is at 100% containment. People returned home yesterday. The Cameron Peak fire is over 21,000 acres and 0% containment. But yesterday evening they had a few showers which helped them. Today the skies are much clearer. We can see the mountains again.

This afternoon I took the 1.8 mile walk around Dixon Reservoir. Eerily quiet for the first half hour I was there. I was able to finish John O’Donohue’s book today, Walking in Wonder. Plan on starting a Mary Oliver book of poems next. Hope you have a great evening and wonderful day tomorrow.

Retired. Having fun with photography. Journal daily. Meditate daily. Learning haiku. Have a love for fountain pens.


  • Tom Dills

    It looks you have seen a brief respite from the smoke, and I’m very glad to see that the Lewstone fire is under control. The Cameron Peak fire looks like it could be going for a while. We can only hope for rain or other unfavorable-for-fire conditions. I watched a portion of this morning’s briefing and it was mixed – chance of rain but higher winds, a mixed blessing.

    I guess the best way to look at nature is that we are the “intruders” and that nature will follow the course that is best for nature. Nature goes on, and sometimes we just need to get out of the way!

    • Monte Stevens

      We had some light rain yesterday evening with thunder and lightning that started a couple of small fires north of town. Just heard they are 100% contained and firefighters are heading home.

      Yes, we are the intruders and have very little knowledge of how to live along with nature. We’re that far distant from her. Nature will take care of itself but don’t believe man cam.