clouds,  sunsets

Kay’s Window

Sunset from Kay's front room window.
Sunset from Kay’s front room window.

Not a bad view from your front window. She has the opportunity to watch storm build up in the west then move out across the plains. A few weeks ago several of us were hanging around in her front room when a bird made a head on crash into the glass. We looked around for a wounded or dead bird but could not find one. Hoping it made it okay. It did leave an imprint on the glass of its breast and both wings.

Retired. Having fun with photography. Journal daily. Meditate daily. Learning haiku. Have a love for fountain pens.


    • Monte Stevens

      They have a wonderful view. The area just outside the window is a natural area, a wetland, that is not suppose to developed. Let’s hope so! She needs to keep that view.

  • Cedric Canard

    Wonderful view indeed. I don’t have such a view but I do live near wetlands and flood plains which means we have kilometres of parkland just a short walk away but it’s worrying to see the local council allowing developers to start encroaching on this area by back-filling the area. For the sake of short term gains, they are turning a blind eye to the fact that flood waters, when they come, still have to go somewhere and just because houses are built on a mound of dirt, it won’t make the problem go away. It’s only shifting it to somewhere else. I hope the local councils down Kay’s way are smarter than ours.