Black and White,  Documentary/Street,  Fujifilm X-T10,  Fujifilm XF35mm f2.0,  lifestyles

Life is Good

Grab Handles on the Bus
Grab Handles on the Bus

Standing passengers on public transportation hang on to handles, called strap-hangers. They intrigued me yesterday so I played around with different compositions and framing. There are now a few people who know I’m a bit insane and give me some distance. I’d like to share a story about one of the first times I began riding the bus. Forgive me if I’ve told this before.

One morning when getting on I found it packed with students on their way to campus. There was no room to sit so I had to stand, grabbing a strap-hanger. This nice young man, calling me “Sir”, offered me his seat. After declining the offer I began to think about the generosity and concern of his offer for this older guy. I realized how much older I was than 95% of the kids on the bus. I also noticed the cute young lady he was sitting next to. So, the next time I ever encounter the same or similar situation I just may take up the offer, especially if she’s cute.  🙂

This morning we have a full moon sitting just above the mountains to the west. In the east we have a radiant orange sky between the horizon and clouds. The day begins! I’m at Bindles on the hill looking out the east window over the Poudre River flowing in the valley below. Next to me is a mocha latte. Live is good! 

Retired. Having fun shooting Fujifilm cameras. Journal daily. Meditate daily. Learning haiku. Have a love for fountain pens.


  • Joseph Smith

    Nice story, Monte and I hope you get the seat offered again real soon. I was out hiking in that full moon you saw. There’s a 2-mile hike up a paved road to an antenna array on Mt Woodson here that some use for a moonlit hike. Six of us took advantage of the light and had wine and cheese on the top amidst the forest of steel towers.

  • Cedric Canard

    Ah yes, that’s the dream ain’t it? Becoming a sugar daddy to some young girl less than half my age… oh, wait… is that just me? Of course, being on a bus, as I would be, would kind of give away the game that I wasn’t loaded. And unlike you Monte, I don’t even have good looks going for me. Oh well, my wife will just have to continue putting up with me.
    Anyway, back to reality. That’s really nice light you captured with your photo; it makes the tones so gorgeous, all the more so when the subject matter is abstracted as you have done here. Even after all these years, I still get wonderstruck by what cameras allow us to capture. Especially when it’s in capable hands such as yours.

    • Monte Stevens

      I have looked at these strap-hangers before and never could come up with a composition I liked. This time I did! Thank you for the compliments. You are making some impressive points lately. 🙂

  • Tom Dills

    There’s something to be said for whatever method you use to get people to give you some space. Appearing to be a little nuts works as well as anything! It’s generally inoffensive and sometimes gets people to offer you their seat. 🙂

    The lesson in the story about the seat, Monte, is to fully evaluate the options and their implications before accepting or declining an offer like that. 😉 Hopefully you’ll have that opportunity again and can make a different decision!

    I went out for a walk in the neighborhood each of the last several nights and the moon was very nice. I didn’t try to photograph it, but was tempted.

  • Monte Stevens

    Yes, appearing nuts and making bodily orifice sounds. 🙂 The lesson learned has improved my vision on the bus. I think I see more now. However, the sugar daddy thing mentioned by Cedric is not for me. I’m done raising kids! Thanks!!