clouds,  landscape,  natural areas,  sunrises

Life is Good

I’m noticing the signs of spring. I’m noticing the Canada Goose are back so the noise begins over whose spouse is who’s and choosing their nesting sites. I noticed this morning the robins were singing their spring medleys in the predawn light at Pineridge Natural Area. I’m noticing the sun rising farther to the north each morning. I’m noticing I need to rise a bit earlier each morning as longer days will be our norm. I’m noticing a few buds on trees, they are not as barren as they were a couple weeks ago. And, I noticed it was warmer this morning at 31 degrees. All signs letting me know spring is nearing.

The first image was taken at 6:17 am with warm pink clouds that brought me a smile and warm feeling inside. The second image as taken a 6:28 am as the sun first began to crest the eastern horizon. After this last image I headed to Cups to journal and sip on a honey vanilla chai latte. As they say, life is good.

Retired. Having fun with photography. Journal daily. Meditate daily. Learning haiku. Have a love for fountain pens.