coffee shops,  Humor,  lifestyles,  rants,  writing/reading

… like, all the time.

Coffee and Conversation
Coffee and Conversation

I visited a coffee shop yesterday, one I don’t frequent often for a couple of reasons: their prices are high and they are on the other side of town. Their seating area is quite small so it’s easy to like hear other peoples conversations. I mean like this couple seemed to be like just getting acquainted like maybe a first encounter. Like they were trying their best to express like who they were, or like who they wanted to be. But, I was like interested in their table and the story it told. So, I asked if I could like take the above photo. Like they said, yes. It was like an interesting conversation to hear. I hear similar conversations like this all the time.

Like I needed to look up this constantly abuse word. It seems the habitual use of the word “like” has become an epidemic. They even have a name for it: “Like Epidemic.” There are multiple articles on line about how to stop using the word. Hope I don’t start talking this way like all the time now.

Retired. Having fun with photography. Journal daily. Meditate daily. Learning haiku. Have a love for fountain pens.


  • Cedric Canard

    Hahaha, when I got to the first “like” I thought it was a typo. By the time I got to the third one I thought this might be a guest post written by some hipster friend of yours or you know, like, whatever 😉

    You’ve made my day Monte 🙂

  • Earl

    Like, so cool, Monte! I automatically tune-out and turn-off to people who speak this way. Another very abused phase is “you know.” Like it’s hard to believe anyone who speaks this way, you know, has anything to add. 🙂 I do like this photo, especially in context of your description of the couple.

    • Monte Stevens

      Glad you liked it, Brooks! As I wrote the post I could think of other phrases and words we use. And, in the image is a collage of many things.The plates had rolled up aluminum foil so I suspect he bought her a burrito. 🙂

  • Tom Dills

    Monte, I share your frustrations with the Like Epidemic! Some people have it worse than others, but it’s so pervasive these days. There’s a woman who sits near me at work that has a bad case. It’s not enough that she talks too loud and too fast, but between the “likes” and the “I means” and the “ya knows” she wastes a lot of words! I told one of my teammates that if she ever stopped saying “like” she’d probably blow up. 😉 Gag me with a spoon!

    • Monte Stevens

      I can become frustrated sometimes with people but I am also aware they are not aware they do it. It also reminds me I may say similar things which I’m not aware of. It’s always an opportunity to learn more about myself. And, man I hope she doesn’t blow up!