Candid Portraits,  coffee shops,  lifestyles

Making His Move

Making his move

Near our hotel in Albany, NY is a small coffee shop called Professor Java’s Coffee Sanctuary. I’ve made two visits and enjoyed my experience both times. The coffee is good and the sandwiches are top-notch. The ambiance is what I liked the most. They have converted an older home into this sanctuary so we have three separate rooms, each with its own feel. I noticed these two gentlemen ordering their coffees and setting up a table to play their game. This was the image liked best. I had taken a couple of images and then just watched through the view finder in anticipation of one of the men to make his move. When he did I pressed the shutter. This was also taken at ISO 3200.

Retired. Having fun with photography. Journal daily. Meditate daily. Learning haiku. Have a love for fountain pens.