Avian,  Travel




A friend of mine travels with his work and was venting some frustration due to mechanical and weather related delays on his trip home.  I can relate to his feelings of frustration as I work as a flight attendant and face those situations on a regular basis. Wouldn’t it be nice to conduct our business on a local scale and not have to commute great distances. Think about this: Get up in the morning, take camera out and shoot a few frames, come back to the house, download the images while I take a shower. After shower make a latte then sip on my latte while I sort through my morning shoot. Do it again the next day.

I had the opportunity to do that for a while and loved it. Just outside the front door of my condo in Colorado is a pond where geese and ducks hang out, they’re always chattering about something. While a couple blocks away is a paved path I like to walk and winds through the city following a small creek. I would use these two locations for photo opportunities. That’s where I got the shot of this mallard. It’s an easy commute to either one of them. Since I’m walking there’s not going to be any mechanical delays, well maybe a few creaky bones and an ache or two from aging. If the weather is bad I can dress warmer, take an umbrella or, in the most severe cases, just stay home. That’s a delay I can easily live with and the delay occurred at home.

There is no major travel in that scenario, nor delays, nor much income. 🙂 Just some thoughts. Hope everyone has a good day!

Retired. Having fun shooting Fujifilm cameras. Journal daily. Meditate daily. Learning haiku. Have a love for fountain pens.

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