coffee shops,  lifestyles

Morning Coffee

Meeting with a friend for coffee on a Saturday morning is always a good way to start the weekend. I’ve arrived early to journal, enjoying the feel of the pen in my hand. Yesterday was a busy day and realized I did not write at all when I opened my journal this morning. We are expecting another nice day here in Colorado. Hoping you have a great weekend!

Retired. Having fun with photography. Journal daily. Meditate daily. Learning haiku. Have a love for fountain pens.


  • Earl

    Just curious, Monte, how often do you go back and read some of your previous journal entries?

    Thanks and you have a great weekend as well! 🙂

    • Monte Stevens

      Yes, I do read back over them on a regular basis. If I fail to reread them I have more of tendency to repeat behaviors and patterns I don’t need to repeat. An example was the ending of 5 year relationship. After a period of time I went back over my journals to read what I was thinking and feeling when her and I first met. I’d written a line saying something like, “We needed to be friends and friends only.” I didn’t listen to the written voice from within.

      Another example was reading back over a page and finding the word “want” in about 3-4 places. I realized I was not accepting where life was. The wants were wanting to change the past or wanting to control the future. Neither is possible. All we have is the present.

      The journals I use now have a blank table of contents in the front of 3 pages. Whenever I have some journal entry that I feel is important I like to place an asterisk beside the paragraph then place the page number in the table of contents with some reference to the subject. I have lately done this only after I’ve filled the journal which forces me to reread through. Not surprisingly much more than I want to admit is nothing but gibberish.

  • Tom Dills

    I’m fascinated with the “idea” of journaling, although I’ve not actually done any of it. For me, the furthest I get is to jot a thought or idea into my Google Keep app to go back to later. Sometimes my thoughts turn into a blog post ( when I go so far as to actually organize my thoughts!) but that’s it. I can see where being able to revisit your moods and mindsets could be very helpful. As long as – as you suggest – you actually follow your own advice! 😉

    Pollen season is in full swing now, but I think we’ve finally put the freezing temperatures behind us!

    • Monte Stevens

      Over time the journaling becomes a habit, second nature and something I want in my life.

      We have ab eautiufl spring day but later on this week we will be seeing temperatures drop below freezing, again.

  • Cedric

    I have never journaled as regularly as you Monte but I often resort to writing things down when I am trying to make sense of ideas, concepts or even feelings. The simple process of writing it down tends to offer clarity somehow, and as you have discovered yourself, going back to it, after letting time pass, can be rather enlightening. Or even therapeutic. Of course, doing so can also make us wonder: “What the heck was I thinking?” 🙂

    • Monte Stevens

      LOL! I have not been able to read some of the chicken scratches because I’m rushing or trying to write in an awkward position. It has become a daily part of my life so for me to not write something was unusual. However, I wrote almost nothing during my surgery and recovery. Life can get busy as another reason. Anyway, it is what it is. I’ll write when I can.
      Putting words on paper can help me clear some thinking or struggle I may be going through. As you mentioned, I also put down ideas, concepts and feelings. It can be the same as talking to a friend, not get interrupted and maybe get better feedback through my pen.