architecture,  shadows

Mystery in the Shadows

There is mystery in the shadows of a photograph. Something is there that cannot be seen as light does not reach it. Death is a mystery of shadows for me. I do not know what is beyond the door of death, in those shadows. I no longer adhere to the belief of my childhood religion. Yet there is within me, some voice, some hidden intuition, that lets me know there is more beyond our door of death. My cousin, Kevin, was buried today. His Christian belief and that of his family is different than mine. I respect their belief. I treasure his life, the gift he was to this world, the times I shared with him in our youth and as adults, and I pray with and for him. Yes, the mystery in the shadows. I feel much love tonight!

Retired. Having fun shooting Fujifilm cameras. Journal daily. Meditate daily. Learning haiku. Have a love for fountain pens.


  • Faye White

    Thank goodness there is mystery; in our lives as well. How boring life would be if everything was illuminated by a blinding light.

  • Earl

    There may be something beyond this life, but I’m okay if there is nothing beyond recycling our atomic materials in the vastness of the universe. Strangely there is some comfort in that too. Light can be harsh, even as shadows can be comforting.

    Monte, I send my warmest wishes to those left behind who will miss your cousin.