coffee life,  coffee shops,  consumer,  journal

New mugs at Mugs

They have these new mugs at Mugs which they placed in the very middle of the entryway so I had to walk around them, slowly, each time I came in the door. Something about the color that caught my attention. Something about the shape that caught my attention. I was able to hold off the compulsion to buy one for about two weeks, then…

Sadly, I really don’t enjoy it. Its’ shape does not fit in my car console, nor does the shape fit in my backpack sleeve. But, I must admit the shape is nice to hold in my hand. The lip is designed so that it dribbles and runs down the side of the cup and onto my shirt. So I need to be careful when drinking from it. However, my mocha latte tastes fine in it. My consumer mind causing me to think I needed one, but didn’t. The one I have works fine. Sigh! Have a great weekend!

Retired. Having fun with photography. Journal daily. Meditate daily. Learning haiku. Have a love for fountain pens.