landscape,  Photography,  Software

One of my goals

Sunrise Along Peralt Road

This was taken back in January while I was down in Arizona visiting my parents. The two morning I was there I made sure I got in some sunrise photos and with a goal in mind. One of my goals for this coming year is to experiment with HDR. So I made sure while I was in Arizona to take a few bracketed images of the sunrises in order to experiment with the software. I’ve now downloaded a 30 day trial to see if I would like it. So far I’ve not been satisfied with my results and decided to just post a single image of what I experienced on one of the mornings.

Retired. Having fun with photography. Journal daily. Meditate daily. Learning haiku. Have a love for fountain pens.


  • Ray Ketcham

    Monte I get a more satisfactory results shooting in raw and processing with Nik Color Efex Tonal contrast or Topaz adjust. I can get a tonal range from a single shot that I like without going over the top and not having to bracket. I like some of the HDR I see but also have had problems with getting what I want from some of the software. The Nik or Topaz is a fairly good compromise.
    Beautiful Sunrise

  • Earl

    Monte, wonderful soft sunrise color in this photo.

    In most cases I would agree with Ray — Nik Color Efex or Topaz Adjust are both good tools. IMO, HDR is too often pushed over the top by many photographers — I like it when you have to wonder if it is HDR. But, there are some photographers that achieve wonderful results with it. 🙂

  • Chris Klug

    The key, for me, anyway, with HDR is to try and not make it look like an HDR image. I like Photomatix, and will use it from time to time when I want to play. Some of my best images have come from that process, but it’s easy to overdo. Love the cactus!