Avian,  robins

Puffed-up Robin

Puffed up Robin

It was cold yesterday morning, 5 degrees at 6:00 AM. Yet, with the sun shinning brightly in a blue sky we warmed up to about 28 degrees. And, tomorrow we are predicting more snow. Outside my living room window is a small courtyard with a half dozen small trees with berries. I found this robin moving from branch to branch and puffing his feathers to keep warm. It’s not a day to be out and about for this old photographer, so I shot this one through the window. 🙂

Retired. Having fun with photography. Journal daily. Meditate daily. Learning haiku. Have a love for fountain pens.


  • Don

    Robins are tough and hardly ever migrate anymore. Yesterday the wife and I saw 4 bluebirds near the old Champlain Canal here in upstate New York. I read an article the other day and they say that Bluebirds return early from the south to find good nesting boxes.

  • Paul

    What a beautiful Robin. Excellent photo, Monte. I saw a whole group of Robins the other day. They were feeding on something. It’s rare for me to see a Robin around Charlotte, although they are there. I’m more likely to see a whole bunch of cardinals, mockingbirds and bluebirds.

    What makes this shot even better is that you didn’t have to go outside and puff up your feathers to get it! 🙂

    • Monte Stevens

      And, you know that’s true, we do hunch our shoulders when cold. 🙂 Back in Colorado we seldom if ever see a cardinal so they are pretty special to me here in Ohio.