Retired. Having fun with photography. Journal daily. Meditate daily. Learning haiku. Have a love for fountain pens.


  • Tom Dills

    My one visit to Oregon coast, I waded in the water in bare feet. The water was cold but the air fairly warm. Kathy and I are heading to Cleveland in the morning…yes, the one in Ohio! There’s a new boy in the family we need to meet. Stay warm out there… plenty of mocha lattes and soup! 😉

  • Faye White

    Wow! That’s a sky that will fill your heart! I’ve never visited the Pacific Northwest but from photos I’ve seen, there’s lots of beautiful scenery. Stay warm, Monte.

  • Mark

    Well at least there is hot coffee waiting somewhere eh?

    It is quite warm here and the forecast I just watched says true winter may not arrive until February. So a full month of muddy-dog-feet weather – fun!

    • Monte Stevens

      I made a quick run to the coffee shop this morning then back home. The cloudy skies make it feel colder than it is. I like that “muddy-dog-feet” name. But not sure that’s fun! 😂