clouds,  landscape,  mountains,  snow

Rist Canyon

Storm Clouds
Storm Clouds

On June 9, 2013 the High Park Fire began and was not declared under control until June 30, 2013. It was the third largest fire in Colorado history and devestated much of the community. Only one life was lost but a several homes were lost.

Part of the fire moved through the Rist Canyon area. This narrow canyon road goes to Stove Praire and rises in elevation of about 3500 feet. I enjoy the twisty ride up the canyon, stopping whenever I feel like it to enjoy the vistas and the canyon. I used to ride the motorcycle up there. Needing more time away from the noise of the city I took a drive up the canyon.

Snow still on the ground
Snow still on the ground

Your heart shall find peace, when it lets go of the attachment it has to things, that do not serve purpose to the soul.

Just before starting the the steepest climb to the top I encountered snow, lots more than I expected. Even with the temperatures in the mid to high 40’s it takes a while for the snow to melt at this altitude. The plus side is the moisture it brings and is showing in the green grass.

Retired. Having fun shooting Fujifilm cameras. Journal daily. Meditate daily. Learning haiku. Have a love for fountain pens.


  • e.Brooks

    Those clouds in the first photo contribute energy and interest to the photo, Monte. I have to say after being here in Florida for a couple of months that snow looks beautiful! 🙂

    • Monte Stevens

      The temperature is not bad so I’m okay with it. It has been raining so I bet a lot of that is melting today. But that poses high waters in the rivers and reservoirs.