Candid Portraits

Shopping at the Farmers Market

At the Farmers Market
At the Farmers Market

I have been doing a lot more shopping at the local farmers market this summer. There is a farm offering a five pound bag that you can fill for $10 or half full for $5. I like to go for the half full bag. It’s surprising how much I can get. One morning the guy leaned forward, smiled and told me to grab a cantaloupe. I find it interesting how disgusting (dirty) the food seems to young kids who have only known food from a supermarket. I think this guy has what he wants.

Retired. Having fun shooting Fujifilm cameras. Journal daily. Meditate daily. Learning haiku. Have a love for fountain pens.


  • Tom Dills

    It takes a certain amount of bravery to buy unlabeled food with no recipe and figure out what to do with it! A lot of us have forgotten how, but I’ve gotten so used to the fresh stuff we cook at home that it’s hard to go out.

    • Monte Stevens

      Yes, without labels some of us are lost. I find interesting when I do not know all the items found in a produce department. I’ve looked at some things and wondered what they were and where they came from. 🙂

  • E.Brooks

    Having grown up eating vegetables, fruit and meat straight from garden and farm I have no problems dealing with unlabeled produce. I do however have to know the source and history of meat. 😉