Retired. Having fun with photography. Journal daily. Meditate daily. Learning haiku. Have a love for fountain pens.


  • Earl

    Now this is a type of landscape you can’t find here….large flatlands with with high rocky peaks on the far horizon. Here it’s hilly leading up to mountains which are older and rounded.

    Monte, a beautiful image that feels “big.”

    • Monte Stevens

      Thanks, Earl and it is “big.” These scenes are what I missed about the Front Range of Colorado. I missed being able to see the horizon several miles to the east and see the snow capped mountain from the eastern plains.

  • Anita Jesse

    My idea of where I belong—distant horizons and as Earl said, “big”. I am western to the core of my being and pictures such as this really speak to me. That gorgeous sky is frosting on the cake.

    • Monte Stevens

      My family is originally from the Texas and Oklahoma Panhandle areas so wide open spaces are what I experienced for the first 5 years of my life. I also have those scenes living along the Colorado Front Range. The “big” calls to me. And, I love all flavors of frosting: chocolate, vanilla, etc.

  • pj

    Excellent photo Monte. I really appreciate seeing a photo like this — I don’t see many of those open spaces these days.

    Great quote too, one we all need to take to heart.