Canon Powershot G12,  quotes,  shadows

Spoon Shadows

Spoon Shadows

“Well, I do think, particularly the way I work, the better images occur when you’re moving to the fringes of your own understanding. That’s where self-doubt and risk taking are likely to occur. It’s when you trust what’s happening at a non-intellectual nonconscious level that you can produce work that later resonates, often in a way that you can’t articulate a response to.”

Jerry Uelsmann

I have the next two days off and I need them. The last several days have been busy with lots of travel time. Would love to venture out for some landscape images but the motivation is not there. When this happens my focus is on those things near. I find it interesting that for a simple image as the one above, I can change my perspective so much easier than I can of vast open valley or meadow. I can easily take the spoon and turn it to alter the shape of its shadow. Can’t turn a mountain or move a tree the same way. In vast landscapes I have to be the moving object to get the perspective I need.

Retired. Having fun with photography. Journal daily. Meditate daily. Learning haiku. Have a love for fountain pens.