Cityscapes/Urban,  coffee shops,  Documentary/Street

Starbursts Over Coffee and Conversation

Starbursts over coffee and conversation

I just had to shoot this image. There is no theme or real story but I liked the scene. As I walked towards these guys I saw the starburst reflection in the window and knew this was what I wanted. As a bonus I got the second starburst. Happy photographer for a short period of time.

I have all my appointments setup for surgery and the followup stuff. They have a computer system setup for patients to see what all is going on with medications, appointments, surgery and test results. I created an account this morning. Quite impressed as it has it all. It shows all my doctor appointments, my ER visit and what they did, my upcoming surgery and the surgeons who will be assisting. I’m impressed. I couldn’t see where they had my banking account number but suspect they have it. 🙂

Retired. Having fun shooting Fujifilm cameras. Journal daily. Meditate daily. Learning haiku. Have a love for fountain pens.