coffee shops

Steaming Milk

Steaming Milk

I’m back to work today. Feels weird after having almost 4 weeks off. Hope I remember what I’m suppose to do. I’ve come to realize the part time work has an affect on my motivation in getting back to the airport. Have other things I want to do. Once I’m there I can get back into the routines. The same thing happens on a cold dark morning when I know I need to get out the door to meet the sunrise. I can do it!

Retired. Having fun with photography. Journal daily. Meditate daily. Learning haiku. Have a love for fountain pens.


    • Monte Stevens

      You bring up a good point, DAvid. I took 3 images in this series. My focus was on the cup when she raised the pitcher up and started to steam the milk. I never thought about your observation. I went back in a couple days ago and asked her to setup this same shot and took a couple of images with the focus on her hands. I must say I like it much better. Not sure why I did not see that. Thanks.