flowers,  Plants,  sunsets

Suspended in Air

Suspended in Air
Suspended in Air

Last nights walk through Rowland Moore Park allowed me to see nature do, what I thought, was a very strange thing. From a distance I noticed a leaf suspended in mid-air. I stopped and moved closer. It looked like a blade of grass had poked through a hole in the leaf and was holding it up. So, I grabbed a photo and continued on my walk. After loading it on the computer and lowering my exposure, I was able to see that the leaf was suspended in the air because it had fallen on a spiderweb. The sensor saw it but my eyes did not. The walk also included a photo of the setting sun bursting through tree branches and couple huge dandelions, everyones favorite flower.


Did you ever notice how a drive to some favorite location and shooting 200 images will only bring 3-4 images you like while a walk in the neighborhood park, shooting 8-10 images will bring the same number of images you like? I’ve taken images of starbursts this grove of trees on previous walks but this one is probably the best starburst I’ve gotten.


These dandelions are about 2 inches in size.I’ve been noticing them the past week and thought it was about time to stop and take a photo. It reminds me of how much I like the bokeh of this sweet kit lens, the Fujifilm 18-55mm f2.8-4.0. Hope you enjoy your day!

Retired. Having fun shooting Fujifilm cameras. Journal daily. Meditate daily. Learning haiku. Have a love for fountain pens.


  • Tom Dills

    I really like the leaf photo, especially with just the hint of the web visible. And I’m impressed at how you framed your watermark with that blade of grass in the corner! 😉

    I sometimes wonder if the time and effort it takes to get to a distant place, regardless of how photogenic it is, dulls our senses to the point where we either can’t “get into” the place of that it just takes longer than we have. The locations closer to home allow us to arrive ready to go. Just a thought.

    • Monte Stevens

      I missed the watermark. Thanks for pointing it out. 🙂 Hadn’t thought about dulling the senses but that can happen. The flip side of that is being excited about the location and having all the senses on alert. I have read more than once where a photographer will bring back more keepers from familiar locations.

  • Earl

    Your photos remind me that summer is drawing to an end and that fall will soon be here. Perhaps this impression also has to do with the temperature being in the low 50’s here this morning. In any case nice photos and post, Monte. Have a great day.