• Candid Portraits,  Documentary/Street,  People/Portraits

    Morning Bus Ride

    Listening to Tunes
    Listening to Tunes

    This is a common scene in the morning as I head for the Transit Center on campus. Students sit in foggy states, staring off into space and earbuds plugged in. There are many reasons for this state. It may be way too early in the morning for them, or they may have stayed up way to late watching a movie, studying or it could be both. I know the feeling as some mornings my thinker is just not functioning yet. Anyway, I’m on campus with a breve mocha this morning and awake. Have a super awesome week!

  • Avian

    Getting Older

    Frost Covered Feather
    Frost Covered Feather

    Well, my Medicare card arrived in the mail along with a very confusing booklet to read. Man, do my parents feel old now!

    A couple of weeks ago I stepped on a crowded bus headed for the transit center on the campus of CSU so I could spend time at Morgan Library. Standing room only so I grabbed the overhead rail to hang on for the ride. A nice young man stood up and said, “Sir, would you like to sit down?” Without knowing or intending to, he made a d deep cut as I immediately felt old. I declined his offer. As I looked at these college students I realized I am 40 years older than almost everyone on the bus except the driver. And I’m still 20 years older than they were. The reality is that to them I am old and at their age I felt the same. When I look in the mirror I don’t see that. Perspective. And, that’s a good thing.

    I’ve had a few days to reflect on my reaction and how I might react differently if faced with that again. If the passenger next to him is a hot 20 year old college girl, heck yes I’m going to take the offer. 🙂 When you think about it there are more perks for getting older besides senior bus passes or food discounts at IHOP.