• writing/reading

    Back in Colorado

    No photo for today but I do want to post a few words about this wonderful weather in Colorado. I arrived yesterday afternoon to cloudy skies, light rain that changed to snow. I had to scrape snow and ice from my windshield this morning. As I write this posting in a small coffee shop it is now 2:30 in the afternoon with sunny blue skies and temperature of 47 degrees. Ahhhhh!

    I am surprised at all the changes this town has taken on since I’ve been gone. A whole new shopping center is on the east side of town. I started to make the wrong turn twice last night as they have changed a couple of two lane roads into four lane roads and added  another stoplight. About the only thing that has not changed are those familiar potholes that seem to come up in the same place every year. Hope everyone had a wonderful weekend.

  • lifestyles,  National Parks,  People/Portraits

    Colorado Snow and Hot Chocolate

    Jon at Cameron Pass

    The Rocky Mountain snowfalls provide some wonderful times for those who enjoy the winter season. There wonderful opportunities to cross country sky, down hill ski, sledding, snow shoeing, snowmobiling and for the hardy souls, camping. I’m not one of those! The day after a snowfall can have sunshine and warm temperatures allowing people to get out and about. The skiing, both down hill and cross country, is not my forte but the slow methodical snow shoeing brings a smile to my face and plenty of exercise. It also works better for me as a photographer. A fresh snowfall can present some wonderful light to work with. When you add a skier, such as Jon, magic happens. This image was taken a couple of years ago on top of Cameron Pass in north central Colorado, about  an hour from my condo in Fort Collins. I ventured out on New Years day with Tracy and Jon. They did some cross country skiing while I snowshoed and sweated up a storm with a happy trigger finger. 🙂 After an exhilarating day out in the cold a hot chocolate sure tastes good.

  • sunrises

    Young and Old

    Morning Sunrise

    I miss the morning sunrises of the Colorado plains. I would rise early and drive east looking for solitary objects to place against the sometimes vibrant or pastel colors along the horizon. I find myself drawn to the trees that stands naked and exposed on cold wintery mornings.

  • landscape

    And, here's more clouds and mountains…

    Front Range
    Front Range

    I stayed with my oldest daughter, Christine and Cody, last night. After a couple of cups of coffee and some quality chat time with Cody I headed back towards town and noticed this old trail wagon with Longs Peak breaking between clouds. As any obsessed photographer, I made and illegal u-turn and then parked illegally to take 5 images. 🙂

  • landscape

    I miss those clouds…

    Morning Clouds
    Morning Clouds

    This morning I needed to drive to Fort Collins so I took the back roads hoping for some photo opportunities. As I’ve mentioned before I notice how often the sky in the midwest is a flat gray with very little texture, pattern or color. While in Colorado the clouds paint a wonderful scene to warm the heart and help start the day. Along with these beautiful mornings comes the cold, it was in the high 40’s this morning. Strangely I did seem to notice. I do miss the morning and evening clouds in Colorado.