• Art,  Photography,  quotes

    Ray’s Right

    After a Rain

    “Photographic technique is no secret and – provided the interest is there – easily assimilated. But inspiration comes from the soul and when the Muse isn’t around even the best exposure meter is very little help. In their biographies, artists like Michelangelo, da Vinci and Bach said that their most valuable technique was their ability to inspire themselves. This is true of all artists; the moment there is something to say, there becomes a way to say it.” – Ralph Gibson

    Last June there was a comment left by Ray Ketchum on a posting by Sabrina Henry that really got me to thinking. Ray suggests we don’t lack for inspirations and in fact are inundated with them, but we lack “the execution of said influences or the interest in completing them.” He suggests we “tap that energy and we will make something worth the effort.” His words have been rambling around in my head every since.

    As a young man I would lay on the couch or in the yard dreaming. I would dream of scoring the winning touchdown, be the most popular boy in school, be a hell-and-damnation preacher and change the world (way over that dream),  be a rock star (over that one, too), travel the world and of course a photographer. Those dreams were wonderful to experience, but since they were just dreams there was never any risk or effort involved. So, I lived on my couch in a fantasy world for many years. The goals I did reach were associated with everyday life such as: graduating from high school, four years in the military, a college degree (one I really didn’t want), getting a job to support my family. These goals were not my dreams but the expectations of society. The dreams to be creative and take risks were always suppressed. Even at this age in my life I still find times when I dream on the couch and times when I move forward. It is always more rewarding to move forward.

    Once I started getting up off the couch some of these inspired dreams have come to bare fruit. So, when we get off the couch we will find our muse has followed bringing along even more inspiration. How often do we have inspirational dreams and just lay on the couch and how many times do we get up off the couch and take the necessary steps to fulfill those inspirations? Ya, know, Ray’s right.

  • flowers,  Photography,  Plants



    “…most people are accustomed to setting goals and not achieving them. It’s easy to lose focus: something in real life comes up that needs your immediate attention, so all of those future plans become pipe dreams and eventually fade away, leaving us where we were in the beginning.”

    This is a recurring theme in my life: unfulfilled dreams and ideas. Unfulfilled because I failed to set goals, take action and move towards those dreams and ideas. Sound familiar? I’ve always wondered if I could have been the athlete who wins the big one but was afraid to fail. Could I have been an “A” student had I only put in the effort and time? We all have dreams, some we have brought to fulfillment and some we have not. The older I get the closer I come to fulfilling more of these dreams.

  • landscape


    Fog and Mist
    Fog and Mist

    “Go confidently in the direction of your dreams! Live the life you’ve imagined. As you simplify your life, the laws of the universe will be simpler.” Henry David Thoreau  (1817 – 1862)

     Take in the power of Thoreau’s words to inspire. This “dream” theme still bounces around inside my head. It seems my dreams are so far out there and at other times simple. Our dreams are in the distance among the fog and dimly seen, a vague outline. But, as in this image, when we move forward into the fog and mist we will see clearer our dreams. We may have obstacles to climb over. What dreams will we find in the mist?

  • Candid Portraits

    Dreams and Gifts



    “Gifts,” powers, material, intellectual, and spiritual possessions are the fruits of the effort; they are thoughts completed, objects accomplished, visions realized. As a Man Thinketh by James Allen 

    I bought Allen’s book a while back and quickly read through it then placed it on the shelf. Today I found myself reaching for it and skimming over a few pages. I must admit I like some of the ideas he presents but reading the words quoted above have caused me to spend more time in reflection. When I come across something I’ve read that strikes a chord it can behoove me to chew on it, there is usually some important message for me to learn.