• Arapaho Bend Natural Area,  landscape,  moon,  natural areas,  quotes,  reflections

    The Beat of the Universe

    Full moon reflecting in Beaver Pond at Arapaho Bend Natural Area

    The goal of life is to make your heartbeat match the beat of the universe, to match your nature with Nature.

    Joseph Campbell

    My early goals were often set by parents, church, schools, society and hidden dreams. These goals set me on certain paths. Not everyone’s path is the same so realize I am only speaking about mine. 

    My parents instilled within me the goal to marry and have children. I did that. The church of my youth suggested I be a hellfire and brimstone preacher. Instead, I chose to raise hell. School offered me a couple goals: to be the hero at the football game, which never happened. And the other was to attain an education, build a career, and go into debt on a 30 year home mortgage, which did happen. Then, 20 years later I got a divorce, sold the home, changed careers, and was still unhappy in my career. 

    However, none of these goals nurtured the questions that were being asked within me; “Who am I? What do I have to offer the world? How do I make the world a better place? How do I participate in the world?” Once I entered my early fifties these questions began to shout for acknowledgement. Thus began the journey of discovering who I am, and who I am not. On this path I’ve uncovered a few things I do have to offer the world and believe there are many more yet to uncover. I am reevaluating my goals and their impact on others, nature and the universe. Seems Campbell may have narrowed it down, “to make my heartbeat with the heartbeat of the universe and live as if I am a part of nature.” I can see that as a goal and a prayer. May I live it!!

  • quotes

    Built to make mistakes…

    Rolland Moore Park – 2014

    Mistakes are at the very base of human thought, embedded there, feeding the structure like root nodules. If we were not provided with the knack of being wrong, we could never get anything useful done. We think our way along by choosing between right and wrong alternatives, and the wrong choices have to be made as frequently as the right ones. We get along in life this way. We are built to make mistakes, coded for error.

    Lewis Thomas

    I’ve written about the subject of making mistakes in the past so I apologize for once more rambling on about them. Or is that a mistake? Seems that somewhere in my youth I learned that mistakes were bad and I began avoiding them at any cost. School was one place where we were measured by how many mistakes we made. There have been multiple times in my life I failed to try or finish due to my fear of making mistakes. I do not remember being taught that mistakes were essential at improving. Having said that though, I will also admit I was a decent shot in basketball but only because I tried again and again each time I missed a shot. I also did not jump on a bicycle and ride the first time. I had to crash and burn more than once. Rather silly when I look back at it where I considered mistakes were not allowed and where they were. I believe Thomas is spot on when he states that we are built to make mistakes, in all areas of our lives. My growth towards any perfection or accomplishing goals requires me to make mistakes, lots and lots of them. My photography pruves that. So due my attempts at haiku. So does my attempts ar creating good blogging content. Hope you had a wonderful day!

  • leaves,  lifestyles,  Plants,  quotes

    One of those moments

    “Don’t ask the world to change….you change first.”

    Anthony de Mello

    It was one of those moments. The ground around me was changing every second as leaves from the elm trees were constantly descending everywhere. I took three photos before I stopped and settled into just being the observer of the beautiful moment I was experiencing. If you look closely you will see one leaf in mid-descent just to the left of center.

    Had a wonderful lunch with my oldest daughter today. We talked about those questions we all seem to ask, “What do I want to do or be when I grow up?” She is one of many who have attained the career goals, the family, home, cars, money and more. She now asks what else is there? Seems I’ve reached a point where things do not have the value of the past. What’s important are those things I cannot grasp but only experience and live: peace, serenity, love, compassion, family, friends, journaling, photography, and… you can fill the rest of the list. Sounds like changes are about to happen in her life.

    It’s been a cold day. Finished my steps and I’m in for the evening. Will have a Zoom chat with a friend who just moved back east.

  • People/Portraits




    This past Saturday I met with a good friend whom I hadn’t seen in quite a while. While on my drive home from our meeting, I thought back over the day and the value of our friendship. It’s a good friendship. Our friendship is relatively new, because a little over three years ago events in our lives allowed our paths to cross. Those events give us a common ground. He is half my age but his maturity is well beyond his age (or maybe mine is will behind mine.) Anyway, he is studying philosophy with goals towards a doctorate (Yes.) We have had some great discussions about life, what we think and feel, and of course women while drinking a ton of coffee during those times. I consider him and our friendship one of those special gifts in life.

    So, here’s a quick snapshot of Eric at the restaurant table. Now isn’t this a philosophical looking face. 🙂

  • Candid Portraits

    Dreams and Gifts



    “Gifts,” powers, material, intellectual, and spiritual possessions are the fruits of the effort; they are thoughts completed, objects accomplished, visions realized. As a Man Thinketh by James Allen 

    I bought Allen’s book a while back and quickly read through it then placed it on the shelf. Today I found myself reaching for it and skimming over a few pages. I must admit I like some of the ideas he presents but reading the words quoted above have caused me to spend more time in reflection. When I come across something I’ve read that strikes a chord it can behoove me to chew on it, there is usually some important message for me to learn.