• street photography,  sunrises

    … my day

    “I’m starting to think this world is just a place for us to learn that we need each other more than we want to admit.”

    Richelle E. Goodrich

    As I walked up to the door at Mugs this morning the sun was just cresting the buildings on campus, offering me a much needed good morning wink, which made my day! A half hour earlier the sky was ablaze with a red sunrise, which brightened my day! After quiet time and some journaling I made my way to meet a friend for coffee and conversation, which enriched my day! I felt such gratitude when I returned home. First, because I have a large and supportive group of friends in my life. And, second because I’m at a place in life where I need that support. And, I’m aware that allowing others to help is helping them in return. Snow predicted for tomorrow afternoon. Hoping you have a wonderful day!

  • coffee life,  coffee shops,  fountain pens,  haiku,  journal,  writing/reading

    Coffeehouse Writing

    Morning sunlight, journal, fountain pen and new ink

    half blank pages
    find new words in brown ink
    coffeehouse writing


    Had a friend give me a new bottle of ink yesterday appropriately named, Coffee Break. 😃 It is a soft subtle brown that shades well, one of my favorite traits in inks, and works well with my cream colored journal pages. Using it in my white Pelikan M205 fountain pen. Hope you have a wonderful Sunday!

  • Annie Dillard,  Candid Portraits,  coffee shops,  People/Portraits,  quotes

    Morning coffee…

    A young lady with morning coffee and her shadow

    “How we spend our days is, of course, how we spend our lives. What we do with this hour and with that one, is what we are doing.” 

    Annie Dillard, The Writing Life

    Met this young lady at the coffee shop the other morning. Loved the light on her so I asked if I could take a photo and one is all I took. Many of you know I’m one who spends time at local coffee shops with my books, journal, fountain pens, camera and openness to who I will encounter. It is always an adventure.

  • coffee shops,  sunrises

    Warm fire at Bindles and morning sunrise

    Warm fire at Bindles and morning sunrise
    Warm fire at Bindles and morning sunrise

    Not many coffee shops have a circular gas fire pit outside their door. If you get there early enough you can sit on the patio and watch the sun rise while sipping on a coffee. Today has not been that kind of day as it’s been cloudy with light rain most of the day. They are predicting the rain to change to a mix of snow and rain after midnight and into the morning. Probably not going to sit by the fire pit in the morning if that’s the case.

  • Art/Design

    Bad Coffee but a Warm Sun

    Bad Coffee
    Bad Coffee

    After breakfast I moved outside to the east porch to sit in the sun. A few small clouds moved across the sky creating a beautiful pattern of blue and white. The hotel coffee I was drinking was not that good but the warmth of the sun all that I really needed. The pure white railing on the porch made for a wonderful pattern so I did the best I could to capture what I felt that morning. I have been looking at my histogram a bit differently lately and moving farther to the right on my images. I do feel it has the potential to provide for more data in post processing.