• insects,  John O'Donohue,  quotes

    The Wanderer’s Soul

    While each place has its own beauty, no particular place can claim to settle the wanderer’s soul.

    John O’Donohue, Eternal Echoes

    If you ever want to observe a wandering soul look no farther than the world of insects. Most wander in pursuit of food, to mate and to avoid predators. I have found the only way to photograph dragonflies and damselflies is to set up my camera and tripod then wait. With enough patience those wandering souls will pass through your viewfinder. Hoping you are enjoying your Saturday.

  • clouds,  landscape,  natural areas,  sunrises

    Bashful Sun

    I sat in my car and watched a bashful sun hide behind a bank of clouds sitting along the eastern horizon precisely where the sun was to rise. In the predawn light it teasingly hinted of pink along the northern edge of the clouds, letting me know it was there. As any good friend and lover of nature would do, I sipped on my morning coffee, took an image every once in awhile and waited to see what beauty would be offered.

    I experienced a sense of how nature has been teaching me patience in these latter years of my life or at least continuously offering me more lessons. I took 54 images during that hour and found it difficult to decide on just one image to post. I honestly like them all. I finally chose these two because of the cloud patterns, the subtle pink in the first image and the sunbeams in the second. Both also hint of the bashfulness of the sun this mornings. Happy Sunday!

  • clouds,  landscape,  sunrises

    We’re Too Impatient

    Monday morning. Martin Luther King Day. So some will sleep in late. Not me. Have this habit of rising early and watching the sun crest the eastern horizon, even on a cold January morning. I don’t seem to tire of that. Predawn offered red and pink in a small area along the horizon. The wind was blowing as I watched the clouds being continually reshaped by that wind.

    I read yesterday where Henry David Thoreau was known to stand for long periods of time while observing a female mallard as she prepared her newly hatched ducklings for their first adventure on the water. At other times he would stand all afternoon watching a frog along the banks of a pond. He spent time in the field studying nature rather than reading or hearing about it. Not something our culture does much anymore. We’re too impatient. Because I stayed this morning I was able to witness the sun rising above the clouds sitting along the eastern horizon. I’m learning patience.

  • moon,  quotes,  trees

    Nature Teaches Patience

    “The two hardest tests on the spiritual road are the patience to wait for the right moment and the courage not to be disappointed with what we encounter.” ― Paulo Coelho

    “Why is patience so important?”
    “Because it makes us pay attention.”
    ― Paulo Coelho

    As the years of practice increase the patience to sit behind a tripod and watch the sun rise or set also increases. I attribute the increase to spending more time in nature; she is our teacher of patience.