clouds,  landscape,  natural areas,  sunrises

Bashful Sun

I sat in my car and watched a bashful sun hide behind a bank of clouds sitting along the eastern horizon precisely where the sun was to rise. In the predawn light it teasingly hinted of pink along the northern edge of the clouds, letting me know it was there. As any good friend and lover of nature would do, I sipped on my morning coffee, took an image every once in awhile and waited to see what beauty would be offered.

I experienced a sense of how nature has been teaching me patience in these latter years of my life or at least continuously offering me more lessons. I took 54 images during that hour and found it difficult to decide on just one image to post. I honestly like them all. I finally chose these two because of the cloud patterns, the subtle pink in the first image and the sunbeams in the second. Both also hint of the bashfulness of the sun this mornings. Happy Sunday!

Retired. Having fun with photography. Journal daily. Meditate daily. Learning haiku. Have a love for fountain pens.


  • Tom Dills

    One of the great things about a good sunrise is that every minute there tends to be a new photo. The challenge is knowing when to stop! It sounds like your preparation was appropriate – good to have that coffee on hand!

    • Monte Stevens

      It seems I go more often just to be there. 54 images was quite a few for me. It is my time to be as close to nature as I can. I do have my limits on temperature, though. And, yes every second is a new scene. I also like to just watch the clouds move from west to east with the predominant winds. Today has been windy, too. And, if I don’t make coffee at home I pick one up on the way out or on my way back.