• Black and White,  Candid Portraits,  music,  People/Portraits

    Friday Night Art Walk

    First Friday Art Walk is a monthly self-guided walking tour that celebrates creativity, culture, and community in Downtown Fort Collins on the first Friday of each month from 6 – 9 pm. From fine to funky, First Friday Art Walk showcases a spectrum of artistic styles to entertain and engage amateurs and art aficionado of all ages, interests and backgrounds. The website says 22 venues partake in it. Some are art galleries serving snacks, drinks and musicians and some are the local bars. This past Friday I made a trip down to Old Town because my friend Don Thurn was playing. In this image he is playing Starry, Starry Night by Don McClean at the Walnut Creek.

    This store is a great place to buy and sell unique jewelry, repurposed furniture, boutique clothing, vintage goods and a plethora of other knick-knacks and handcrafted gifts, representing about 80 local artists. If you can think of it I bet you could find in there. 🙂

  • People/Portraits,  Travel

    Myrtle Beach

    Walking the Beach
    Walking the Beach

    We had snow yesterday and highs only to the mid 20’s and more of the same today. I’m tired of the cold and snow already. I think a walk on the beach is what I need. Yeah! Sand between my toes and in my shorts. Yeah! Maybe Myrtle Beach, like this guy. Yeah! Enjoying uplifting scenery. Yeah!

    Yes, I need a beach!
    Yeah, I need a beach!