• rants,  trees,  writing/reading

    Before and After

    Taken on March 28th
    Taken on March 28th

    The tree trimmers were busy last week working on all the trees on my condo complex. Of course they made a bit of noise, annoying noise. But the noise was not the most annoying thing. The total removal of the tree outside my front door was. I would sit on my porch in my Adirondack chair and read, write and contemplate, solving most of the worlds problems. I’d watch my neighbors the squirrels wrestling and chasing one another. With the tree removal I probably will see them less. I also used to have a front row seat to the concerts performed on the stage this tree provided by my robins and chickadees. 

    This was taken on Saturday morning
    This was taken on Saturday morning

    I’m not sure but I think the tree was diseased as it did have more than it’s share of dead branches. I  believe it was an elm tree and  was at least 20 years old. Sad!

  • landscape,  rants,  sunrises,  trees


    Pre-dawn Light
    Pre-dawn Light

    I have several images of this tree taken during all four seasons and at different times of the day. This tree lies along a three-quarter mile stretch of dirt road leading to the Arapahoe Bend Nature Area. I’ve been going out there for the past 10 years for quiet time and photography. I’ve seen many a hawk perched on one it’s branches and even an eagle. I like this old tree and what it stands for. Over that ten years I’ve had the chance watch this area change.

  • rants,  Self-portraits

    Just Me

    Just Me

    In case you don’t know my name is Monte. I do reside or occupy a home but my name is still Monte. It is not resident or occupant. So I do not want my mailbox filled with junk mail that does not have my name on it. Any mail that says occupant or resident does not make it past the trash bin. Yes, you can call it a pet-peeve, a sore spot, a waste of paper, whatever but it causes the hair on my neck to stand up. This idea of flooding our mailboxes with advertisements makes me feel hounded. I wish there was a way to stop it. Anyway, here’s my Friday self-portrait.

  • rants,  Self-portraits

    Just Me

    Just Me

    In case you don’t know my name is Monte. I do reside or occupy a home but my name is still Monte. It is not resident or occupant. So I do not want my mailbox filled with junk mail that does not have my name on it. Any mail that says occupant or resident does not make it past the trash bin. Yes, you can call it a pet-peeve, a sore spot, a waste of paper, whatever but it causes the hair on my neck to stand up. This idea of flooding our mailboxes with advertisements makes me feel hounded. I wish there was a way to stop it. Anyway, here’s my Friday self-portrait.