• coffee life,  coffee shops,  gratitude,  latte art

    Full of Gratitude

    Latte at Harbingers Coffee

    The sun is about to set on this beautiful day. About to call it a day with some reading and journaling but first I’ll share a bit about the day. My day started early with cardiac rehab, then spent an hour at the coffee shop journaling before meeting my friend Duane for a late breakfast and good conversation. This day had an abundance of sun with a few drifting clouds and temperatures in the low 80s. So, this afternoon I got in a walk at Reservoir Ridge Natural Area where silence mixed with a meadowlark’s song brought a smile to my soul. Full of gratitude! Hope you had a good day, also.

  • coffee life,  coffee shops,  latte art,  musings,  writing/reading

    Isaac’s work of art…

    “A life spent making mistakes is not only more honorable, but more useful than a life spent doing nothing.”

    George Bernard Shaw

    This morning at Starry Night Isaac crafted me this delightful latte art. A pretty good way to start my day. I headed home after an hour or so of journaling as I needed to make a couple of phone calls. Also had a friend bring over potato and ham soup which I ate a bowl of for lunch. About 1:00 pm I headed to Reservoir Ridge Natural Area to soak up the sun and the quiet offered in that sanctuary. While the sun warmed me, I listened and watched as the mysterious wind danced with the meadow’s grass, rabbitbrush and the cottonwood tree branches, which now offer their new buds of delight. The wind gently blew against my face, it’s cool touch bringing healing energy to my body. In the quiet surrounding me I listened to a magpie but never saw them. And in the distance I heard a woodpecker hammer on some tree but never saw them. Each was music to my ears. I felt within me the excitement for the arrival of the songbirds, anticipating the concerts that will fill the air while the wind sends them out across the meadow for all to hear. After a couple hours clouds began to move in, blocking the sun’s warm rays. Without the warmth of the sun’s rays I became chilled and began to make my way home. After quiet time at home I put a few words together for this post, sharing with you my day, along with an image of Isaac’s work of art. When I look at this latte art I wonder how many failures it took to hone his craft and how many more failures still to come. After pressing the publish button I’m gonna grab a Dove’s dark chocolate to reward myself. Hoping you had another good day to celebrate!

  • clouds,  landscape,  natural areas,  quotes,  Reservoir Ridge Natural Area,  storm clouds

    Never Lose Hope

    “Never lose hope. Storms make people stronger and never last forever.”

    Roy T. Bennett

    All went well with my bone marrow biopsy yesterday. It was quick, simple and very little pain with it. This morning I’m a bit tender around the wound site but otherwise doing fine. I will be gentle and kind with myself today. Test results will take 7-10 days. This past week I did acquire another UTI so back on antibiotics, hoping it clears up before surgery. Everything seems to be a go for surgery on Tuesday the 14th. I feel at times I am in the midst of the storm. May I not lose hope.

    This is an HDR image created in Lightroom Classic with three images at +/- one stop.

  • grass,  landscape,  natural areas,  Plants,  Reservoir Ridge Natural Area,  seasons,  snow,  winter scenes

    Two Chipotle Peppers

    Light snow at Reservoir Ridge Natural Area – March of 2022

    I put on a crockpot of chicken tortilla soup early this morning. As I was putting it together I decided to put in two chipotle peppers in adobo sauce 🌶️ rather than one as it seems like that kind of day. It is lightly snowing and 5 degrees at the moment, 2 degrees colder than when I got up. It is a day to curl up in my chair, wrapped up in a blanket, a hot chai tea latte beside me, do a bit of reading and journaling then have a bowl of soup later. Planning on filing taxes later today and putting that $153 return into my savings account. Should bring my account balance up to about $156. 😂 Stay warm!! Stay dry!! And, have a super Awesome day!!

  • landscape,  mountains,  natural areas,  Reservoir Ridge Natural Area,  sunsets

    Routines and Habits

    I have not had much energy or motivation the past 3 weeks. The infection, anemia and the weak heart have slowed me down. I feel like I need to move more even though I may not feel like it nor have the energy. Laying around is not good for my physical and emotional well-being. I ate a small late lunch of Mugs Classic Mac and Cheese yesterday afternoon then drove to Reservoir Ridge Natural Area to watch the sun set. Most of the natural areas are closed due to wet and muddy conditions. I chose this location because there are good opportunities just outside the gate. I’m feeling the need to get back into routines and habits that nurture me and which I feel help in my healing. Not only that but these moments with nature always provide and remind me of the awe and wonder of this world. Creation at work every moment of the day. Happy Friday the 13th!

  • clouds,  landscape,  natural areas,  Pineridge Natural Area,  rants,  Reservoir Ridge Natural Area,  sunrises,  sunsets

    Predawn Light and Blue Hour

    Predawn at Pineridge Natural Area

    The clouds looked inviting early this morning so I made my way to Pineridge in hopes of some colors in those clouds. But the colors I was hoping for did not materialize which happens when I set my expectations too high. Anyway it was wonderful to be there. I did return with cold hands and toes which always seems to make my mocha latte, made by Nate this morning, even better.

    Blue Hour at Claymore Lake

    I found myself in a funk while writing yesterday afternoon. So, with the sun still shining and about an hour left before sunset, I headed to Reservoir Ridge Natural Area to sit with all of creation and, also, to watch the sunset. I found what I needed. I am aware that when I leave I always need to carry home with me what I find there.

    Some time after the sun has set, we enter the period of twilight called the nautical stage where everything around seems to turn blue. They call it blue hour because the sunlight’s blue wavelengths dominate due to the Chappuis absorption caused by ozone (you can check it out). I love this blue color and one of the many reason I gravitate to the twilight hours.

    On a sad note, today is the 81st anniversary for the bombing of Pearl Harbor. It is a day to remember the lives lost on that day (both sides, military and civilian), the families of those who lost loved ones, and the millions of lives needlessly lost over the next four years of war. President Roosevelt in his speech the following day called it a day which will live in infamy. My prayer is that day of infamy be a time for the world to wake up to the fact that we have never found peace through war.

  • gratitude,  natural areas,  quotes,  Reservoir Ridge Natural Area

    Grateful Eyes

    Rabbitbrush from yesterday afternoon’s walk at Reservoir Ridge Natural Area

    The practice of looking at the world through grateful eyes and with a grateful heart is an exquisite end in itself.

    Kristi Nelson

    A rather lovely day until late this afternoon when clouds moved in and the wind picked up. It is 52 degrees but it looks like 32 degrees. It’s been a quiet day filled with writing and journaling. Eating leftover soup and chocolates. Not at the same time!!!