• Black and White,  Candid Portraits,  Documentary/Street,  lifestyles,  People/Portraits

    Studying or Watching Movie?

    Student at Lory Student Center
    Student at Lory Student Center

    They are painting my condo, so I’m spending more time away, out of their way. Don’t want to accidentally find a paint brush in my hand. Classes are back in session so students are all over the place. Not sure if I’m getting more critical in my mature years or if the freshmen girls shorts are getting short. The correct answer is probably both! Have to ask if he’s watching something associated with a class or a movie he started last night? Anyway he’s relaxed.

  • Candid Portraits,  Documentary/Street,  People/Portraits

    Morning Bus Ride

    Listening to Tunes
    Listening to Tunes

    This is a common scene in the morning as I head for the Transit Center on campus. Students sit in foggy states, staring off into space and earbuds plugged in. There are many reasons for this state. It may be way too early in the morning for them, or they may have stayed up way to late watching a movie, studying or it could be both. I know the feeling as some mornings my thinker is just not functioning yet. Anyway, I’m on campus with a breve mocha this morning and awake. Have a super awesome week!

  • Black and White,  Candid Portraits

    Study Time in the Kindness Lounge

    Study Time
    Study Time

    This is a common scene on campus. I probably could come home with a dozen such images each day I wander on campus. However, something interesting about this image is the lack of earbuds by this young lady. She is one of the few with them. 

    I took this image in the Diane Warren Kindness Lounge at the Lory Student Center. The lounge is a study area with a great view, fireplace and an interesting sculpture located outside the windows. It is usually quiet so it is perfect to finish your last minute readings.

  • Candid Portraits,  People/Portraits

    In the Spotlight

    In the Spotlight
    In the Spotlight

    Found this young lady engrossed in her studies at a local coffeehouse. Finals are this week so you will see this all over town. I liked how she was sitting in the ray of sunlight. I spot metered on her and shot in black and white. This is a jpeg file right out of the camera.

  • Candid Portraits,  coffee shops,  People/Portraits


    Study Time

    … at her favorite coffeehouse. This image was taken Saturday at a favorite coffeehouse. I just love the lighting on her face and her expression. It was just beginning to snow, bringing us about 4 inches of accumulation. Sunday morning was cold. It was 14 degrees by the time I walked to the coffeehouse. A fresh snowfall is so beautiful as nature takes on it’s winter artistry. Stay warm!

  • computer

    Learning Curve

    New MacBook
    New MacBook

    I am a believer in being a student in life. I have lived life as if I knew what was good for everyone and doing my best to convince them and only created conflict and isolation. When we live life as a student always expecting to learn from others no matter their age or background, we build relationships and can live life with great expectations. As of yesterday I became a student on my new computer. So I am now on a learning curve with a new laptop and new operating system. After 15 years working on a Windows based system I moved over to a MacBook. So far I have enjoyed the challenge.